Areas of Law

This attorney exclusively represents terminated employees in lawsuits against employers. Employment law is a vast body of law, but we focus our efforts in representing employees in lawsuits against employers in the following practice areas:

Wrongful Termination – If you’ve been fired from your job and feel that the termination was wrongful, click the link and learn about wrongful termination law. This area of law overlaps many others and is considered an “catch-all” because it is a bit broader. Click the link to investigate whether or not you’ve been wrongfully discharged from your job. You will learn what you can recover in a wrongful termination lawsuit, the at-will doctrine, and how much an attorney costs.

Discrimination – If you feel that you were terminated because of your race, religion, age, gender, or sexual orientation, this page will give you the information you need to decide if a lawsuit is in your best interests. It examines the average verdicts and settlements, the difference between harassment & discrimination, and what you can recover in a discrimination suit.

Disability Discrimination – This is subset of discrimination is so large it deserves its own page. Not only will you learn about what constitutes disability discrimination, but it covers what a reasonable accommodation is, when your employer can refuse to give you one, and what to do if you’ve been fired.

Retaliation – If you opposed something at work and then got terminated for doing so, you should review our retaliation page. It identifies what constitutes unlawful retaliation and whether or not you should pursue a case against your company. It also outlines the differences between retaliation, wrongful termination, and a whistleblower case.

Whistleblower – This page details CA’s whistleblower laws in detail. From refusing to engage in illegal behavior, to reporting fraud to the government, this page gives non-lawyers a clear picture of what whistleblowing is protected and what isn’t. It also covers the statute of limitations and what you can expect to recover in your case.

Harassment – This page details what constitutes a hostile work environment. It also identifies the protected categories, when you should complain to your employer, and when you should contact a lawyer for help. Harassment is not just limited to sexual harassment. You can be unlawfully harassed because of your age, disability, race, ethnicity, and more.

Leave of Absence – We have extensive information regarding most of the types of leave of absence that employees can take. Click our link here to learn about your rights.

Case Types for Los Angeles Employment Law